31 January, 2014

Must everything be based on equality because it's starting to stink and not forgetting the restrictions and every other rules made up to keep it going. It's as if to suffocate but it seems that the grip is loosening up in all the very wrong ways possible. With unstable mentality and emotions, there's no knowing what the next movement might be. As frightening it may be, I've to admit that I'm always the one at fault and there's no doubt about that. I closed everything up but I made a slight progression to opening it back but I wonder if it's one of the right choices. No doubt I said I didn't had any regrets but you became the first — do you know how much impact that actually is? Can't you take a hint and see that I too need my personal space because it's not the way it used to be anymore and I've accepted the fact that it won't be. They said "the boy you once loved won't be the same anymore", guess I took it to heart and infused it within myself, changing my whole outlook of life becoming more positive yet succumbing back to the very own delusion that things will be a-okay when night falls. Reassurance doesn't work like how it used to previously, I need more than that but I can't put a finger to what I actually want or need. At the very end it was still my damn decision to stick with you through thick and thin going through what you've been having you being grateful. I'm not saying it for the best but if someone better comes along and wants you like how I do or maybe more, I hope they'd pamper you the way I never did because I think you deserve at least that. Q: Was it all really worth it?

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