07 October, 2013


When a friendship gets replaced with another friendship, you'll constantly wonder where it all went wrong and if there's any hope to mend it. When a friend comes and go thinking it's absolutely fine to crash in whenever deemed convenient to them because they have that ability to communicate during your downfall, drawing up an illusion that they'll stay with you through thick and thin. Another kind of friendship is when one opens up while the other uses it to their own advantage to make use of you. When a friend thinks it's perfectly fine to not put in any effort to keep the friendship going while leading their life as per normal while you're constantly trying. When a friendship seems to be stranded because of a mistake while filling spaces with awkwardness hence the limited communication. Friendships where both parties found their significant other might be the worst of it because you allowed a third party to replace a friendship that could've meant so much to the other. "Are you happy like how I am for you?"

As the saying goes "if you love someone, let them go" and it'll always be backed up with "i'm not good enough for you, you deserve so much better". I call that bullshit because when someone accepts you in their life, they have bypassed the negativity that occurred in your life. Good or bad, you go through it with them together and not leave the other person just because you're not "good enough" or in another term, have not met their standards. If so, bring this question back to yourself, if you thought that you weren't good enough, why lure that person and have him or her fall for you just to end up saying "i'm not good enough for you"?

Scenario: A tells B that he/she isn't good enough and wants the best for him/her and will still keep B in their thoughts but moments later, A finds someone new. Question: What would B feel?

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