08 January, 2010

And i thought 2010 will be a year filled with changes but all i see is myself and the rest around me getting their heart broken, but i do believe things will come to pass soon. things will be alright although it may seem its like the end of the world, believe that there's hope, you don't have to look around for it, your friends brings you hope, it'll find you eventually, there isn't a point looking for your "perfect match" cause your perfect match will find their way to you. we're all so young and delicate, there isn't a point crying over spilt milk though the pain in our hearts aren't bearable. it's time to focous on our studies, make a name for ourselves in the near future, create new memories while making friendships and knowing your true friends that will last throughout your lifetime. just believe everything will be alright but i won't promise you that things will be alright just yet, everything takes time. you can't expect it to be instant, it might seem forever, forever to get over a brokenheart, forever to reach the finish line but when you reached the finish line, your reward will be fulfilling. just believe that everything's going to be alright.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!